
Saturday, May 24, 2003

if you could hold the world in your hands and control its every action, would you really want to? Imagine what one mistake would do. Im sure it would be great to have all that control and all that power but you and i are only human. It is in our nature to err. So imagine if you magnify one tiny mistake here on Earth to what that would be if you were say God. You slept too late=the sun forgets to rise, you step on a bug=stepping on a human, you break someone's heart=an entire country worth of people mourn, you hit someone=an earthquake killing huindreds. So the little mistakes we make here on Earth would have a pretty big effect if we were God. Well i guess the same goes true in a relationship. You hold that small world in your hands everyday. When you dont call that person=Its a cloudy day, when you tell that person you dont love them=monsoon season, when you hit that person=Hurricane Andrew, when you yell and get angry at that person=tornados and thunderstorms, but hopefully when you apologize to that person or tell them you still love them=nothing but a warm breezy day in June. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone does really dumb and stupid shit. For to err is human and to forgive is divine. If we can make one mistake less each day, maybe the human race will survive pretty well after all.