
Thursday, May 31, 2012


This is the face I'm gonna miss. This is the girl I'm gonna wish was in my bed every night. As I sit in Sky Harbor, waiting to go to LAX then FRA and finally DUB, all my heart and mind can focus on is her. I'm really excited for this trip, been looking forward to it for over a year. But I'll really miss her every day and every step of this trip I'll wish she was by my side, seeing everything with me. I love you Tessa, always and forever.❤❤❤💜💜💜


Today is a day where I know I will be struggling all day. A day where my heart will ache, my eyes will tear up, and my mind will race. I will try to fight it and hopefully lose. I will learn not to fight myself as much. I will learn to be more calm and take life as it comes to me. I will try to be less sensitive, more understanding, less combative. I will miss Tessa, want to see her, fall in love and have my heart broken by her. Today is going to be better than yesterday, but only half as good as tomorrow. Today and everyday I will be getting better. I will still fall, I will still fail, but I will be able to get back up and move on.