
Monday, May 23, 2005

So now its down to another 4 semesters of school......HALLELUJAH!.....its been a blast folks but im just tired of papers and quizzes and worrying about goin to class. So many things have been going my way so just seems like i cant do anything wrong right now.....which just rocks. I hate knowing that even with my positive attitude things are going wrong. But as of late, things have been kinda lookin up, a few minor setbacks but nothing that has made me feel out of it. So ill just have to see what happens in the next few for now, its summer, ive got a cool job, im gonna be singing in the NJOT, and i think i may have the beginnings of a few greater voice is better than ever, louder, stronger, more mature, and just flat out ridiculously good. Been losing weight slowly but steadily, gettin ready for Cabo, AZ, and all my other adventures.....i think i may have found a couple things to latch on to as well good friends.....good times, good nights.......amazing memories......thank god i never need to let go of anything as long as i have a few certain people in my life.

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