For me beauty is in music and beauty is in poetry. My beauty i express with singing, playing, and writing, my beauty i share, my beauty i give to all. My beautiful gives me courage, the beauty i see makes me strong. The beauty i enjoy lifts my spirit, my beauty ignites my song. The beautiful i hold is sweet and caring, the beauty i desire i see when i slumber. I'd give everything for the beauty i see, i would do anything for the beauty that inspires me. Beauty is in a woman, in her eyes and in her voice. Beauty is in her touch, her kiss, in her choice. Her choice is enigmatic - a puzzle to complex for man. But her choice is beautiful, her choice is wonderful, her choice brings beauty to this man.
For me beauty is music and beauty is in poetry. For me beauty is in a woman, for she expresses music and poetry, for she inspires my music and poetry, for she gives me my music and my poetry, for she IS my music and my poetry.
For me my muse is a woman, my muse is a song, my muse is a poem.
My muse is all of those in one.