
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ok with the election stuff out of the for some more personal items.  I had my Senior Recital October 24th and it was trying to upload the vids on YouTube but at present it is giving me trouble...and now i have 3 concerts in 5 days starting with Collegium Musicum on Saturday, Opera Scenes on Sunday, and Chorale on Wednesday...but fortunately thats pretty much it for the semester!!! December i am done with school...and will be looking for any and all opportunities to sing and perform everywhere...I will be doing L'Incoronazione di Poppea with the Hofstra Opera in January and then its just gonna be work, work, work to save some money and hopefully hook up with an Opera company.  

So thats my professional and educational for my personal life - ive made some breakthroughs...I think ive learned how to truly endear people and i can say pretty much that most everyone i know and everyone i meet either instantly likes/liked me or has grown to like me.  Ive definitely gotten better at dealing with my parents...maybe ive finally begun to understand them and vice versa...its not easy for any parent to have an independent thinking child, but especially not one who is an artist/musician and walks to a completely different beat than they do.  Relationships have been "All Quiet on the Western Front" as anything that had potential quickly dissipated and i returned back to where i started.  But then again, certain things have shown promise, recently and im trying to keep my options open while getting to know more about myself and these other people - where do i fit in in their lives and where do they fit in in mine, and are our personal goals similar? is there a passion for something that life has to offer? Is there a sparkle in the eye, a fire that never goals dull when you pursue a passion, only when you settle for less than you are worth...On the note of eyes - I find it peculiar, yet awesome, - my obsession with eyes.  I want to get lost in a girl's eyes - I find great beauty and depth there. I envision myself in close quarters, possibly holding someone and looking into her eyes and being able to see the passion she has for who she is, for what she does, and hopefully for me.  There is no sweeter sight than to look into the eyes of someone you care about and to see them smile with their eyes and tell you they love you without them moving a muscle in their mouth.

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