
Thursday, October 27, 2005

Two months seem to pass between almost every post, and this time im not sure if its not just boredom but business that has kept me from really doing any sort of posting.

There is something that i simply just like to share.....

I have been other words....single.....for close to 3 years now....and to be honest, that fact hurts more than the way my last relationship ended. I thought, as i was raised, that women appreciate gentlemen, and appreciate being treated like women, not objects of affection or play-toys. And many women will say that looks are not the most important thing, and that personality, sense of humor, confidence, and a feeling of protection around a guy make up a big part of being with someone. Well i say to are all fuckin full of shit liars. You continually allow your boyfriends to embarrass you in front of friends and family, lie to you, never call you, cheat on you and generally treat you like garbage, while you complain and complain that you wish you could find a decent guy. Most of the decent guys you see.....arent Abercrombie or Hollister models, most of us dont drive BMW's and Benz's. And most of us definitely do not frequent the clubs like Mirage, Posh, or any other abomination of what in actually is not more than an upscale frat house party. We dont usually wear Armani and Gucci clothes to the gym to play basketball, and we dont carry $300 in our pockets at all times......Mommy and Daddy dont buy everything for us anymore, we are grown men with jobs and careers and serious responsibilities, like paying bills, and cleaning up our houses/apts, as well as cooking, shopping, and cleaning for ourselves. However, we offer love, trust, friendship, and probably, hopefully most importantly security and happiness. We may not be able to lavish you with carats upon carats of diamonds and gold, expensive trips or decadant dinners in the city every week...but we will always get up off our asses at 4am and run in the pouring rain to comfort you, even if we do have a performance the next day. We will try our best to make sure that once in a while, we do take you out and make u feel like a queen for a day, instead of just a princess which is how we view you all the time. You look for guys that ignore you, or dont know what they want with you, or simply use you for money or even worse.....sexual favors....and yet you tend to ignore us, except when you want to complain about said crush who ignores you, or bf who just blew off another anniversary. You use us much like they use you....only when they want you around. Well id like to reintroduce myself to you ladies.....I AM Michael Franzone, i'm a loyal, trusting, romantic MAN, who would like to introduce you to a different kind of culture, and a different kind of life. I am an opera singer....i will sing you to sleep if you want, ill sing to you when you are crying and im holding you in my arms, i will sing about you and all the things i love and admire about you. I will be thinking of you when performing and singing that love aria onstage while u are in the audience, front row, because i want you to know that i want you close to me, even when you cant be the one im singing to. I will do my best to show you the world, through traveling with me and my family, or through the many pictures and movies i have of the places ive been.....because my past is as much a part of our future as is our present. I will lavish you with love and adoration, because truly, you are the best part of my life....not that im addicted to you and wont be able to function without you around, but that when im around you, i smile bigger, i sing louder, i feel happier and i simply enjoy having you in my life. I will be there to comfort you when you are sad, praise you when you have done well, give you advice whenever you ask....and be there whenever you need me....for any reason....large or miniscule. I will say that i love you and mean it with ever fiber of my life. So i challenge you women out there who are looking for the perfect guy, the right guy, or someone better than the person you are with......Try being with me, or someone like me at least for a month.....if we dont or cant convince you in 30 days(think the movie Sweet November), i will personally give up trying to divert you away from staying with the stereotypical guy. I will give up my crusade to change the mind of women, that chivalry continues to exist, and that all guys are if you are willing to take my know how to reach me

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