
Thursday, November 10, 2005

In an effort to actually not let too much time pass, ive decided to make this blogger a kind of weekly probably, every Wednesday or Thursday night i will be puttin somthing up here.

So for this week...

Did i ever mention how much i absolutely enjoy performing? Whether for 1 or 1million people, i never tire of the simple satisfaction i get out of the applause from a loving crowd. Ive got a show coming up this Saturday for Collegium Musicum which is a Baroque and Renaissance style music group of singers and instrumentalists. Ive got a bass solo in the last piece of the show, which for those that know me, is a little ridiculous, considering im a Tenor(notice the caps). Then the following week in 2 nights i will complete shows for 3 different groups. Chorale and Chamber Singers are performing on Saturday the 19th and Opera Theatre is on the 20th. For Chorale we are doing Duruffle's Requiem which is so beautiful!!!! Chamber is doing a variety of things, from Faure to Duruffle, and even gospel to Chanticleer. Then for Opera Scenes, im doing Pinkerton from Madame Butterfly, Count Almaviva from The Barber of Seville, Candide from Candide, and the Magician from Consul. Best of all is that i get to do a really famous aria from Madame Butterfly as part of the scene...."Addio fiorito asil" so needless to say, im totally stoked....and anyone who actually reads this and is in the NY/Hofstra area should come down and see at least the last 2 me for details and such......anyway yea trying not to crack under the pressure of classes and all the ridiculous amounts of fuckin work these teachers give if learning 2 Chopin Preludes, 5 scenes, 2 art songs for my jury, a Beethoven Piano Sonata, 3 Tuba pieces and enough music for a 2 hour show straight of music from Baroque to 20th Century wasnt enough! No they give us pages and pages of Ear Training crap.....a 5 hour Theory assignment designed to keep us "busy". So between all that, my rehearsals/lessons/practice sessions, and work, house and waitering.....i dont have time to relax myself and only solace comes in those rare moments when i find the reason why i love a piece as much as i do, or when i beast a high note, or when i get a chance to just listen and run at the gym.

One such moment is the suspensional ending to Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor and if you dont know it dl it and happens in about the last 45 seconds of the piece and it is what i wait for when i listen to the the entire 9 minutes of glory blasting from the organ.

Different note....still waiting for the last post to evoke a response.....i got a comment from one person and thank you for that.....but there are a few people im trying to wake up......

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