
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

You never can truly understand the fragility of life until it smacks you right in the face. Within a year's time, ive lost my puppy, Shadow, my dad was days away from a massive possibly fatal heart attack and needed quadruple-bypass surgery to save his life and last night my mother was rushed to the hospital with a minor stroke. For someone who is 21, an only child, and relies on his parents for many things, not just monetary, but support, understanding and infinite advice, the idea of losing my parents this soon is way too much for me to try to comprehend and scarier than being thrown into a pit of poisonous snakes. If i were to lose one or both of my parents at this stage of my life, i dont know what i would do and certainly my world would crumble into nothing and id be left with a pile of rubble i dont know that i would be able to dig myself out of. The experience has been earth-shattering...a catalyst and further emphasis for me to want to get the fuck out of school even sooner. I want to establish my career, settle down and start my family so that my parents can enjoy their later years in peace and spend time with their grandkids.....i just know what i want, know how to get there, the only thing left is completing all this mindless bullshit called school...

Erin i love you, thank you for all your support and love through this......i hope you feel better soon

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