
Thursday, August 10, 2006

i have met quite a number of people in my life, some have made short-lived impressions, while others have left their mark on me such that i can and could never repay them for their input in my life. There is always one person in someone's life that touches them forever, no matter how short the encounter may have been. Sometimes, that person can be a friends, girlfriend, boyfriend, acquaintance, teacher, or even a mentor. I had a mentor, wait, let me rephrase that. I have a mentor. A man that i would never thought could have such an impact on my decisions in life in such a short period of time. His wisdom, his uncritical ear, and knack for saying just the right things when the moments called for a word of inspiration, were just a few of the many attributes and talents of one Charlie Riecker. Though i had only known Charlie 2 1/2 years, his impact was mentor, my friend, my source of insight and strength and drive, he exemplified the greatest attributes of humanity. I will miss you everyday and there will always be a seat for you front row of every performance i do, and there will be a special tribute i make for you when i debut at the Met my friend. I wish you could be there when i do my recital.....i know you would have been so proud, but i will sing my heart out and maybe just maybe you can hear me up there......I love you Charlie.......

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