
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

So everything happens for a reason right?......and people say that there is such a thing as a soulmate, the heart's reflection in another......these things i never believed before, never understood the concept and idea of how with all the billions of people out there, that only one person could honestly be for me, and i never thought that things happen for a reason, i thought "such is life, and i must learn and deal with what i am given." Well i've definitely been converted to these beliefs when i met her.....this angel who was handed to me by the heavens, as perfect as i could ever have wished for. She makes me incredibly happy to wake up everyday and spend my time with someone i can say that i truly love with all my seems that my prayers from an earlier post.....Like the sweet melodies i hear and play everyday, she has become part of me, part of my life, my heart. I dont think ive ever felt, in fact i know ive never felt this strongly about someone or something in my life. She smiles when she sees me, when she talks to me, when she thinks about me. I smile every minute of everyday because she is in my heart and thoughts and i know, i know so well that ive never been this lucky, never been this happy, never been this appreciated for who i am and what i do for her......and i never expect anything in return, nor would i want more than just her love, respect and support.....her trust, her honesty, and her happiness are what keep me so infinitely satisfied. From the intangibles, often the most fleeting of emotions, to the concrete, her touch, her smile, her kiss, and just her, all of her, make me quite possibly the happiest and luckiest man in the world, nay, the universe. Its been so long i only hope i havent forgotten what a relationship like this truly means to me, because it is sooooo perfect and it feels soooo right and ive never felt like this about anyone so absolutely, so suddenly and yet so right. Ive been waiting for such a long time and to finally have what i know ive been searching for, for the past 3 years is the most satisfying, most gratifying feeling in the world. I love her, and now that i am in this and i love being with her.........i think my smile and my happiness may be everlasting

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