
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

To think that only a few months ago, at the beginning of this semester, i gave up my search, stopped trying to find that perfection i figured i was destined not to find for a long time, seems to be the right thing to do, to just let my life lead me to the person i would meet next and begin a relationship with again. I could have never believed, if someone told me that i would be in this position with this girl, at this time......i would have laughed in their face and told them they were ridiculous. My imagination is wild and free, but never in 100 lifetimes would it have dreamt up the current way things are, with me and her being able to talk freely, to hold each other, love each other and be each others dream come true. She was always far away, off in another world, untouchable......but slowly over the time of this year, she became closer and closer, until she was in so near i could simply reach out and there she was.......and then came the greatest moment, when the unimaginable became a definite reality.......the first time we kissed, i instantly became hooked, i was totally captured by her touch, her sweet heart, her beautiful smile and amazing passion that became apparent even more so than it was before. Lost i was, only to be found and to wake up in the embrace of a gift, truly an angel, truly amazing.......

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