
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Almost two full years since I last created a digital form of myself. 2 years since I bared my soul toward the unforgiving world of the modern time. Things that were relevant, important, life-altering 2 years ago - carry no weight or sense of perception today. Ideas, concepts and needs I thought I had many years to yet concern myself with become more my reality than my future. I find myself older in years, older in experience and older in time but still the young boy at heart who loves nothing more than having fun. Still the little boy who dreams of being applauded by thousands. Still the young man who wants to be better tomorrow than he is today.

Even though my path has changed, the direction - altered, I still find within me the same goals and ideals that allowed me to get to the place I am today. I do still have many of the same wants, much like any other person definitely require the same needs. (with of course a few modifications). I've wanted much of the same things I always have. The love and respect of my family - which has almost never waned, even in my darkest, worst, weakest, most despicable moments. The ability to choose my path in much of the daily life I lead. Good friends, trustworthy people who I can put the safety of my life and death in their hands. A healthy voice - which even through some abuse, has given me power and beauty like I've never expected. The respect of my co-workers - I know not everyone will like me. I know not everyone will think I'm competent or intelligent. But I believe that respect is both earned and given, and much like the Golden Rule it is very much a two way street.

Most of all I've wanted, still want and will always want a competent, strong-willed, caring, beautiful, loving woman by my side. At times I have been luck enough to have one. At times I haven't been smart enough to do the right things at the right times to hold onto one. At times I have been cheated on, dumped, duped, lied to, and treated very poorly by women obviously not meant for me on a longer term basis than the amount of time they were in my life. Not one can say though that I didn't give everything I had at one point of another in the relationship.

I have however been a victim of my own overactive mind. My own stupidity. My own insecurities. I've overanalyzed, over-criticized, and over-thought myself into many a sticky situation and far too many awkward ones.

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