There is a quiet beauty in all of us that longs to be exposed... this is my inner voice, listen to it sing...
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
To think that only a few months ago, at the beginning of this semester, i gave up my search, stopped trying to find that perfection i figured i was destined not to find for a long time, seems to be the right thing to do, to just let my life lead me to the person i would meet next and begin a relationship with again. I could have never believed, if someone told me that i would be in this position with this girl, at this time......i would have laughed in their face and told them they were ridiculous. My imagination is wild and free, but never in 100 lifetimes would it have dreamt up the current way things are, with me and her being able to talk freely, to hold each other, love each other and be each others dream come true. She was always far away, off in another world, untouchable......but slowly over the time of this year, she became closer and closer, until she was in so near i could simply reach out and there she was.......and then came the greatest moment, when the unimaginable became a definite reality.......the first time we kissed, i instantly became hooked, i was totally captured by her touch, her sweet heart, her beautiful smile and amazing passion that became apparent even more so than it was before. Lost i was, only to be found and to wake up in the embrace of a gift, truly an angel, truly amazing.......
So everything happens for a reason right?......and people say that there is such a thing as a soulmate, the heart's reflection in another......these things i never believed before, never understood the concept and idea of how with all the billions of people out there, that only one person could honestly be for me, and i never thought that things happen for a reason, i thought "such is life, and i must learn and deal with what i am given." Well i've definitely been converted to these beliefs when i met her.....this angel who was handed to me by the heavens, as perfect as i could ever have wished for. She makes me incredibly happy to wake up everyday and spend my time with someone i can say that i truly love with all my seems that my prayers from an earlier post.....Like the sweet melodies i hear and play everyday, she has become part of me, part of my life, my heart. I dont think ive ever felt, in fact i know ive never felt this strongly about someone or something in my life. She smiles when she sees me, when she talks to me, when she thinks about me. I smile every minute of everyday because she is in my heart and thoughts and i know, i know so well that ive never been this lucky, never been this happy, never been this appreciated for who i am and what i do for her......and i never expect anything in return, nor would i want more than just her love, respect and support.....her trust, her honesty, and her happiness are what keep me so infinitely satisfied. From the intangibles, often the most fleeting of emotions, to the concrete, her touch, her smile, her kiss, and just her, all of her, make me quite possibly the happiest and luckiest man in the world, nay, the universe. Its been so long i only hope i havent forgotten what a relationship like this truly means to me, because it is sooooo perfect and it feels soooo right and ive never felt like this about anyone so absolutely, so suddenly and yet so right. Ive been waiting for such a long time and to finally have what i know ive been searching for, for the past 3 years is the most satisfying, most gratifying feeling in the world. I love her, and now that i am in this and i love being with her.........i think my smile and my happiness may be everlasting
Monday, December 05, 2005
I have to be the luckiest person i know......besides the fact that ive had an awesome year singing, and that school work has surprisingly been easy....and that i found $20 at the mall today......its much more than that......many things have turned out in my favor, and i think that maybe the bad years and suffering from 2003 til now have finally drawn to an end.....i have never been happier, more satisfied with my life, and with what i have accomplished, and that things that have presented to me......its absolutely unreal. I have been recently touched by an angel, a divine spirit in the form of a beautiful, amazing prove that eventually even nice guys sometimes can get the girl of their dreams.....she lifts me up, makes me feel like im flying and i cant thank her enough for all that she has given me, just by action and words. And i need to remind her right here and now, that i will stand by her no matter what happens, and that she can always count on me for anything.......
Saturday, December 03, 2005
This is by far the happiest ive been in a long time.....things are really starting to fully come together and its amazing.....that loneliness i have experienced for the past 2 1/2 years may soon be coming to a dramatic close and it is something id never thought would happen....I wake up everyday with a smile, every breathe seems to be more and more the words of Billy Joel...."She's got a way about her, dont know what it is, but i know i cant live without her anyway." More and more things begin to have such a purpose, i want to do so much and just get out of school, do well and get started on my life....she is such an inspiration to me, without ever having to say a word, she makes me realize that i quite possibly may be the luckiest guy out there.....Her smile lights up my day, her voice puts me at ease and her kiss.....filled with passion that i simply cannot get anywhere else.....its breathtaking. I wish that i could spend more time with her, its the best part of my day, but i know that soon, very soon, things will actually be better than they are now.....and although it may not seem possible, nothing would make me happier than what i know, what i feel, what i hope is coming
Thursday, November 10, 2005
In an effort to actually not let too much time pass, ive decided to make this blogger a kind of weekly probably, every Wednesday or Thursday night i will be puttin somthing up here.
So for this week...
Did i ever mention how much i absolutely enjoy performing? Whether for 1 or 1million people, i never tire of the simple satisfaction i get out of the applause from a loving crowd. Ive got a show coming up this Saturday for Collegium Musicum which is a Baroque and Renaissance style music group of singers and instrumentalists. Ive got a bass solo in the last piece of the show, which for those that know me, is a little ridiculous, considering im a Tenor(notice the caps). Then the following week in 2 nights i will complete shows for 3 different groups. Chorale and Chamber Singers are performing on Saturday the 19th and Opera Theatre is on the 20th. For Chorale we are doing Duruffle's Requiem which is so beautiful!!!! Chamber is doing a variety of things, from Faure to Duruffle, and even gospel to Chanticleer. Then for Opera Scenes, im doing Pinkerton from Madame Butterfly, Count Almaviva from The Barber of Seville, Candide from Candide, and the Magician from Consul. Best of all is that i get to do a really famous aria from Madame Butterfly as part of the scene...."Addio fiorito asil" so needless to say, im totally stoked....and anyone who actually reads this and is in the NY/Hofstra area should come down and see at least the last 2 me for details and such......anyway yea trying not to crack under the pressure of classes and all the ridiculous amounts of fuckin work these teachers give if learning 2 Chopin Preludes, 5 scenes, 2 art songs for my jury, a Beethoven Piano Sonata, 3 Tuba pieces and enough music for a 2 hour show straight of music from Baroque to 20th Century wasnt enough! No they give us pages and pages of Ear Training crap.....a 5 hour Theory assignment designed to keep us "busy". So between all that, my rehearsals/lessons/practice sessions, and work, house and waitering.....i dont have time to relax myself and only solace comes in those rare moments when i find the reason why i love a piece as much as i do, or when i beast a high note, or when i get a chance to just listen and run at the gym.
One such moment is the suspensional ending to Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor and if you dont know it dl it and happens in about the last 45 seconds of the piece and it is what i wait for when i listen to the the entire 9 minutes of glory blasting from the organ.
Different note....still waiting for the last post to evoke a response.....i got a comment from one person and thank you for that.....but there are a few people im trying to wake up......
So for this week...
Did i ever mention how much i absolutely enjoy performing? Whether for 1 or 1million people, i never tire of the simple satisfaction i get out of the applause from a loving crowd. Ive got a show coming up this Saturday for Collegium Musicum which is a Baroque and Renaissance style music group of singers and instrumentalists. Ive got a bass solo in the last piece of the show, which for those that know me, is a little ridiculous, considering im a Tenor(notice the caps). Then the following week in 2 nights i will complete shows for 3 different groups. Chorale and Chamber Singers are performing on Saturday the 19th and Opera Theatre is on the 20th. For Chorale we are doing Duruffle's Requiem which is so beautiful!!!! Chamber is doing a variety of things, from Faure to Duruffle, and even gospel to Chanticleer. Then for Opera Scenes, im doing Pinkerton from Madame Butterfly, Count Almaviva from The Barber of Seville, Candide from Candide, and the Magician from Consul. Best of all is that i get to do a really famous aria from Madame Butterfly as part of the scene...."Addio fiorito asil" so needless to say, im totally stoked....and anyone who actually reads this and is in the NY/Hofstra area should come down and see at least the last 2 me for details and such......anyway yea trying not to crack under the pressure of classes and all the ridiculous amounts of fuckin work these teachers give if learning 2 Chopin Preludes, 5 scenes, 2 art songs for my jury, a Beethoven Piano Sonata, 3 Tuba pieces and enough music for a 2 hour show straight of music from Baroque to 20th Century wasnt enough! No they give us pages and pages of Ear Training crap.....a 5 hour Theory assignment designed to keep us "busy". So between all that, my rehearsals/lessons/practice sessions, and work, house and waitering.....i dont have time to relax myself and only solace comes in those rare moments when i find the reason why i love a piece as much as i do, or when i beast a high note, or when i get a chance to just listen and run at the gym.
One such moment is the suspensional ending to Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor and if you dont know it dl it and happens in about the last 45 seconds of the piece and it is what i wait for when i listen to the the entire 9 minutes of glory blasting from the organ.
Different note....still waiting for the last post to evoke a response.....i got a comment from one person and thank you for that.....but there are a few people im trying to wake up......
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Two months seem to pass between almost every post, and this time im not sure if its not just boredom but business that has kept me from really doing any sort of posting.
There is something that i simply just like to share.....
I have been other words....single.....for close to 3 years now....and to be honest, that fact hurts more than the way my last relationship ended. I thought, as i was raised, that women appreciate gentlemen, and appreciate being treated like women, not objects of affection or play-toys. And many women will say that looks are not the most important thing, and that personality, sense of humor, confidence, and a feeling of protection around a guy make up a big part of being with someone. Well i say to are all fuckin full of shit liars. You continually allow your boyfriends to embarrass you in front of friends and family, lie to you, never call you, cheat on you and generally treat you like garbage, while you complain and complain that you wish you could find a decent guy. Most of the decent guys you see.....arent Abercrombie or Hollister models, most of us dont drive BMW's and Benz's. And most of us definitely do not frequent the clubs like Mirage, Posh, or any other abomination of what in actually is not more than an upscale frat house party. We dont usually wear Armani and Gucci clothes to the gym to play basketball, and we dont carry $300 in our pockets at all times......Mommy and Daddy dont buy everything for us anymore, we are grown men with jobs and careers and serious responsibilities, like paying bills, and cleaning up our houses/apts, as well as cooking, shopping, and cleaning for ourselves. However, we offer love, trust, friendship, and probably, hopefully most importantly security and happiness. We may not be able to lavish you with carats upon carats of diamonds and gold, expensive trips or decadant dinners in the city every week...but we will always get up off our asses at 4am and run in the pouring rain to comfort you, even if we do have a performance the next day. We will try our best to make sure that once in a while, we do take you out and make u feel like a queen for a day, instead of just a princess which is how we view you all the time. You look for guys that ignore you, or dont know what they want with you, or simply use you for money or even worse.....sexual favors....and yet you tend to ignore us, except when you want to complain about said crush who ignores you, or bf who just blew off another anniversary. You use us much like they use you....only when they want you around. Well id like to reintroduce myself to you ladies.....I AM Michael Franzone, i'm a loyal, trusting, romantic MAN, who would like to introduce you to a different kind of culture, and a different kind of life. I am an opera singer....i will sing you to sleep if you want, ill sing to you when you are crying and im holding you in my arms, i will sing about you and all the things i love and admire about you. I will be thinking of you when performing and singing that love aria onstage while u are in the audience, front row, because i want you to know that i want you close to me, even when you cant be the one im singing to. I will do my best to show you the world, through traveling with me and my family, or through the many pictures and movies i have of the places ive been.....because my past is as much a part of our future as is our present. I will lavish you with love and adoration, because truly, you are the best part of my life....not that im addicted to you and wont be able to function without you around, but that when im around you, i smile bigger, i sing louder, i feel happier and i simply enjoy having you in my life. I will be there to comfort you when you are sad, praise you when you have done well, give you advice whenever you ask....and be there whenever you need me....for any reason....large or miniscule. I will say that i love you and mean it with ever fiber of my life. So i challenge you women out there who are looking for the perfect guy, the right guy, or someone better than the person you are with......Try being with me, or someone like me at least for a month.....if we dont or cant convince you in 30 days(think the movie Sweet November), i will personally give up trying to divert you away from staying with the stereotypical guy. I will give up my crusade to change the mind of women, that chivalry continues to exist, and that all guys are if you are willing to take my know how to reach me
There is something that i simply just like to share.....
I have been other words....single.....for close to 3 years now....and to be honest, that fact hurts more than the way my last relationship ended. I thought, as i was raised, that women appreciate gentlemen, and appreciate being treated like women, not objects of affection or play-toys. And many women will say that looks are not the most important thing, and that personality, sense of humor, confidence, and a feeling of protection around a guy make up a big part of being with someone. Well i say to are all fuckin full of shit liars. You continually allow your boyfriends to embarrass you in front of friends and family, lie to you, never call you, cheat on you and generally treat you like garbage, while you complain and complain that you wish you could find a decent guy. Most of the decent guys you see.....arent Abercrombie or Hollister models, most of us dont drive BMW's and Benz's. And most of us definitely do not frequent the clubs like Mirage, Posh, or any other abomination of what in actually is not more than an upscale frat house party. We dont usually wear Armani and Gucci clothes to the gym to play basketball, and we dont carry $300 in our pockets at all times......Mommy and Daddy dont buy everything for us anymore, we are grown men with jobs and careers and serious responsibilities, like paying bills, and cleaning up our houses/apts, as well as cooking, shopping, and cleaning for ourselves. However, we offer love, trust, friendship, and probably, hopefully most importantly security and happiness. We may not be able to lavish you with carats upon carats of diamonds and gold, expensive trips or decadant dinners in the city every week...but we will always get up off our asses at 4am and run in the pouring rain to comfort you, even if we do have a performance the next day. We will try our best to make sure that once in a while, we do take you out and make u feel like a queen for a day, instead of just a princess which is how we view you all the time. You look for guys that ignore you, or dont know what they want with you, or simply use you for money or even worse.....sexual favors....and yet you tend to ignore us, except when you want to complain about said crush who ignores you, or bf who just blew off another anniversary. You use us much like they use you....only when they want you around. Well id like to reintroduce myself to you ladies.....I AM Michael Franzone, i'm a loyal, trusting, romantic MAN, who would like to introduce you to a different kind of culture, and a different kind of life. I am an opera singer....i will sing you to sleep if you want, ill sing to you when you are crying and im holding you in my arms, i will sing about you and all the things i love and admire about you. I will be thinking of you when performing and singing that love aria onstage while u are in the audience, front row, because i want you to know that i want you close to me, even when you cant be the one im singing to. I will do my best to show you the world, through traveling with me and my family, or through the many pictures and movies i have of the places ive been.....because my past is as much a part of our future as is our present. I will lavish you with love and adoration, because truly, you are the best part of my life....not that im addicted to you and wont be able to function without you around, but that when im around you, i smile bigger, i sing louder, i feel happier and i simply enjoy having you in my life. I will be there to comfort you when you are sad, praise you when you have done well, give you advice whenever you ask....and be there whenever you need me....for any reason....large or miniscule. I will say that i love you and mean it with ever fiber of my life. So i challenge you women out there who are looking for the perfect guy, the right guy, or someone better than the person you are with......Try being with me, or someone like me at least for a month.....if we dont or cant convince you in 30 days(think the movie Sweet November), i will personally give up trying to divert you away from staying with the stereotypical guy. I will give up my crusade to change the mind of women, that chivalry continues to exist, and that all guys are if you are willing to take my know how to reach me
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
its been the most amazing summer i can ever remember. Its been a summer of life and music and love and new friends, new experiences, and new opportunities. In the 5 weeks i was at the NJOT Summer Institute in Princeton i grew so much in my voice, my life, my personality and i realized what it is that ive been dreaming of is right at my fingertips. I made so many great friends, Jason, Mike Scott, Mike McGee, Jeremy, Amy, Flann, Dominic, Joel, Gina, Johanna, Melanie, Jorge, Gian-Carla, and the list goes on. And the teachers and conductors and directors i worked with and had the pleasure to perform life will never be the same and i know that i can at anytime ask these people for guidance and assistance and i know that i will be working with any and all of them in the future. I really think i found something in my voice that even blows me away, its so pure, so easy i just hope i can replicate it on my own. But for now....ill just sit here and dream about Amy, cause even though shes 10 years older than has definitely made me know exactly what i want in a woman
Friday, June 17, 2005
hey now its only a few hours until i turn 21 and i just go back from Cabo and am sittin in my grandparents house in AZ just relaxing for one day before i go home. Cabo was awesome. I was the life of the party, as usual, and did everything from organizing beach and pool volleyball games, to rockin the Karaoke, to tearing up the dance floor at the clubs, to snorkeling in Santa Maria....and the list goes on. I met some awesome people, Barry, Cole, Ray, Jim, Jaime, Linda, Virginia, Tony, Big Dave, Mary, Robin and Tammy(my oregon girls), Debbie, Lexi, Sam(my Arizona hotties and club partners), Danny(my wingman), and last but definitely not least in any way, Jasa(my Arkansas cutie pie). Wish i could have spent more time there, to hang out, to party, to relax, but especially to spend some more time with Jasa. Beautiful deep blue eyes, amazing smile, incredible body, and a kiss that set fire to my lips. It really is too bad we live so far away, because i know that she and i would truly make an awesome couple....we did for the 2 days we spent together so it would almost definitely continue. Im gonna have to make a trip down there, maybe for a few days at the end of August to try and spend some time with her before school starts, or if i can somehow manage it...take a weekend off and go to visit her, maybe somehow luck will manage to stay on my side and this will continue to go my way so that maybe, just maybe we can work things out and i can get to see her at least 3 or 4 times a year. Nothing would make me happier right now. Well i think its time that i just relax, cause right now im so high, the clouds are my pillows and the stars are my friends. never thought this would be like this, or could be like this, or is like this.
Friday, June 10, 2005
just over a week til my bday and i cant wait......on Sat im leaving for Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, with my family for a few days of rest, relaxation, fun, and of course good times......But to look back a few days.....what an amazing weekend i friend Paulie finally got me to go with him to see PSU where he used to go to school...we stayed at his apt. that he still had there and basically chilled for 2 and half days..... Sat night i got there and we chilled at his place for a bit, showed me the town, let me know what the deal was with everything......then we went to his friend Logan's place and chilled and smoked a little.......then we all went(5 guys, 3 of whom were waaaaaay too stoned to be doing anything) to an all-nude strip club called "The Endzone". It was cool except for Logan's bitching and the fact that the strippers were kinda boring and not really all that that night ended early which was cool cause i needed a little sleep after a long ass car ride. Sunday was the shit though......we, Paulie, me and Nick, Paulie's other friend, chilled at the pool where their apts were and drank and grilled all day long. "We Dove", all the girls....jumping in and running to the hot tub, the beach volleyball, Riley the gator, all the cool people that we ate and drank with, gettin all dressed up with no where to go, Team America, and last but certainly not least........Katie.....of all the guys who were there, of all the hot girls there......I got the hottest girl, but certainly wasnt the hottest guy......just goes to show you what a little personality, a killer smile, long wavy hair, and a voice that makes ladies melt can do instead of a six-pack and cut muscles all around. From the moment our eyes met it was done.....we basically spent the last 5 hours of the time we were at the pool together in the hot tub, just teasing and playin with each other, while drinkin and enjoying everyone's it was an awesome time all around....the drive back was probably the scariest, craziest and coolest experience ever......all im gonna say is Storm Chasers aint never got this close to lightning. So now i get to try to sleep cause its late and im gonna work a double tomorrow and ive got an early flight on Sat......everything is awesome babe.....we can do this
Monday, May 23, 2005
So now its down to another 4 semesters of school......HALLELUJAH!.....its been a blast folks but im just tired of papers and quizzes and worrying about goin to class. So many things have been going my way so just seems like i cant do anything wrong right now.....which just rocks. I hate knowing that even with my positive attitude things are going wrong. But as of late, things have been kinda lookin up, a few minor setbacks but nothing that has made me feel out of it. So ill just have to see what happens in the next few for now, its summer, ive got a cool job, im gonna be singing in the NJOT, and i think i may have the beginnings of a few greater voice is better than ever, louder, stronger, more mature, and just flat out ridiculously good. Been losing weight slowly but steadily, gettin ready for Cabo, AZ, and all my other adventures.....i think i may have found a couple things to latch on to as well good friends.....good times, good nights.......amazing memories......thank god i never need to let go of anything as long as i have a few certain people in my life.
Monday, May 16, 2005 long has it been? yea, exactly. So whats new you ask? too much, too fast. I guess ill start from where i left off. I found a new job at the Riverbay Restaurant in Williston Park. I both broke my nose and had it fixed, dont worry not only has it not affected my voice, its made it better and more resonant (imagine?!?!). I tore my right rotator cuff and had it fixed.....picking up a Tuba no less. We had our Spring Chorale and Opera Scences concerts, and i loved doing Die Fledermaus quintet. We got to drink real champagne onstage! I fell in love only to realize it was taboo and wound up getting more than one person in trouble (opps!). But most importantly, i got back what i lost 2 years smile. I owe that to Jen. From the very start she had me trapped in her eyes, and in her smile, and even though i could have tried to resist, there is no way i could have beaten back that feeling. So this past weekend is really where i think my life has just turned around yet again....i always do better in school when i am with someone, and though technically im not with her, she is still in my heart so its an incentive to drive forward and to do so much better than i have been.....cause i dont want her to get too far ahead of me. Then i really might lose her. Its that smile that comes across my face when i talk about her, when i think about her, when i talk to her, when i dream about her......i wake up and i smile and i fall asleep smiling. And so even though i cant wait to see if she will someday be with me, i know that if the timing is ever right, if at some point in the near future we both are single, you can bet that she will take her place by my side, reserved for her the moment her eyes first locked with mine. Right now i can only dream of her, i can only think about her in fantasy, but man what dreams may come into reality is far beyond my thoughts.
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
I am the luckiest guy on the face of the earth. I have all the riches i could ever want because i have the love of an absolutely amazing woman. In a wonderful surprise, Rachel, my Texas Blossom called me on Sunday to tell me that she was coming into New Jersey for an overnight in Newark. I havent seen her since August of last year in Cancun, which was an awesome time in itself, and i jumped at the chance to see her again, even if it was only for a few hours in one night. So she was supposed to come in around 9pm but due to a 2 hour delay she didnt get in until about 1045. And when i saw her, man she looked hot! Beautiful, charming, sexy, and with a smile to die for, she looked like an angel....... it felt so good to hold her again, and after a few minutes discussing our options, we decided to go into the city for some dinner if there was a restaurant open, or just some coffee and dessert if not. As luck would have it, by taking the Holland Tunnel we wound up on Canal St. which borders Little Italy. So we had a wonderfully romantic dinner at Vincent's, which included a bottle of Amarone wine, Chicken Marsala, Chicken Parmigiana, and lots and lots of looks. We were the only ones in the restaurant, so we had no distractions and i could not keep my eyes off of her. The food was excellent, the wine was delicious, and everything was so romantic. We then walked around the streets of Little Italy for a few minutes, and kissed and walked hand in hand while i sang a few Italian arias. She was completely enamoured with it all, unable to really believe that this was all going on..... Needless to say i was very much in disbelief myself, having a beautiful woman by my side, singing to her, enjoying a perfect night in the was all so amazing. Being that we had to get up early the next day in order to get her to the airport by 7:15 we went to the hotel where her airline had put her up. The look in her eyes said it all, she and i were connected, and every time we see each other we fall for each other even more, and the words were right there at the tips of our tongues. "i love you" was almost said over and over again, and it doesnt matter that we didnt say it, what mattered is that we felt it. And when i talked to her today, she almost came out and said it again, but its just like going to do something completely new. The nervous feelings, the butterflies, and the hours of endless smiling just lets me know how real it i said before, i am the luckiest guy on the face of the earth
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Well needless to say i was rather emotional even for me in my last post....... i wish someone would comment on what i write once in a while, so i dont feel completely foolish spilling myself to digital nothingness. My opera, the Dialogues of the Carmelites is gonna be this weekend, Jan 28 and 29 @ 8pm, and Jan 30 @ 3pm......kinda lookin forward to it even though the opera sux, cause i may get the chance to see someone i havent seen in about 14 months......and i know if i say who it is, ill fuckin jinx it cause thats how it is with me, i think somethin is there, its solid and true, and then POOF! muthafucka is gone....
my parents are gone for the whole week, so probably tomorrow and wednesday night i will be having a party at my house, gonna try to get some beers, but if possible BYOB, and i do have a pretty full liquor cabinet but i dont wanna empty it, so anything anyone can contribute would be awesomeness. ya know still no luck in the search for a meaningful relationship.......just too many people have the wrong impression of me, and dont think that i can do anything more than think sexually. Whatever, im just being overly critical of myself and those around me...... i dont care, i care about finding someone that is actually gonna be right for me, who i can enjoy myself with, intelligent, sophisticated, lover of the arts, spontaneous, looks(hard to explain but there are many types that attract me), helps to be a little horny most of the time, maybe even athletic(definitely not a requirement), DRINKER, NOT A SMOKER(most important thing of all, gotta protect my voice), unconventional, enjoys being the center of attention, affectionate, honest!!!!, good kisser!, maybe a little exhibitionist, proud of self and talents, likes to be taken care of, yet independent as well, doesnt mind me being a little protective(i mean come on i am German AND Italian), and lastly, she would need to understand my past, embrace it, and not fear it, cause then my History will repeat itself.
Im gonna have a very busy semester this year.......i really need to focus, and im thinking about shutting down all my IM, cellphone, online things altogether, and stopping all my credit cards so i can spend unless ive got money in hand, i may not work, but im gonna try working and school, and friends, and rehearsals, and performances, and everything else, maybe i can find the balance i had in HS.
I like my ability to sift through a lot of people's bullshit that they try to feed me, their "nice" actions and their "fake" smiles, only to gather in dark and silent corners and defile me.......i dont seek retribution, i would simply rather to have it said to me, cause i know, and if i didnt, i would be able to find out in a heartbeat.
you know who you are
my parents are gone for the whole week, so probably tomorrow and wednesday night i will be having a party at my house, gonna try to get some beers, but if possible BYOB, and i do have a pretty full liquor cabinet but i dont wanna empty it, so anything anyone can contribute would be awesomeness. ya know still no luck in the search for a meaningful relationship.......just too many people have the wrong impression of me, and dont think that i can do anything more than think sexually. Whatever, im just being overly critical of myself and those around me...... i dont care, i care about finding someone that is actually gonna be right for me, who i can enjoy myself with, intelligent, sophisticated, lover of the arts, spontaneous, looks(hard to explain but there are many types that attract me), helps to be a little horny most of the time, maybe even athletic(definitely not a requirement), DRINKER, NOT A SMOKER(most important thing of all, gotta protect my voice), unconventional, enjoys being the center of attention, affectionate, honest!!!!, good kisser!, maybe a little exhibitionist, proud of self and talents, likes to be taken care of, yet independent as well, doesnt mind me being a little protective(i mean come on i am German AND Italian), and lastly, she would need to understand my past, embrace it, and not fear it, cause then my History will repeat itself.
Im gonna have a very busy semester this year.......i really need to focus, and im thinking about shutting down all my IM, cellphone, online things altogether, and stopping all my credit cards so i can spend unless ive got money in hand, i may not work, but im gonna try working and school, and friends, and rehearsals, and performances, and everything else, maybe i can find the balance i had in HS.
I like my ability to sift through a lot of people's bullshit that they try to feed me, their "nice" actions and their "fake" smiles, only to gather in dark and silent corners and defile me.......i dont seek retribution, i would simply rather to have it said to me, cause i know, and if i didnt, i would be able to find out in a heartbeat.
you know who you are
Thursday, January 20, 2005
There are times in your life when you know that too much has happened to not say something about, where the things you miss take over your heart, the people you love need you more than ever, and the things you do only fill you up so far with satisfaction, when you realize that while things couldnt be better in almost everything, something is still missing.......and you cant drink or smoke it away, you cant laugh at it anymore and expect it not to hurt, and the "that was then, this is now" speech, which your friends never believed, even becomes farsical to yourself. How do you move on from something that your entire body craved for so long, when even after all this time of being without, you still find yourself addicted? How do you say no to something you never had the chance to say yes to, even though the question hasnt been asked? How do you miss someone who has already more than moved on from you, who has shared herself with another, yet when you speak to her, you can still "see" and "hear" her blushing on the other end of the line? How is it that your charm works so well on one person, and yet everyone else sees you as cocky and arrogant? What if all the changes youve made over the past 2 years have done nothing than put you further behind than you started off? Not that too many people ever really read this.....i just dont update it enough, but there is a messge to one person i need to make.......Christine, i love you, ive never stopped, only tried to fool myself and you into thinking that i had........ i need to give you these words......"Moon so bright, night so fine, Keep your heart here with mine, Life`s a dream we are dreaming, Race the moon, catch the wind, Ride the night to the end, Seize the day, stand up for the light, I want to spend my lifetime loving you, If that is all in life I ever do, Heroes rise, heroes fall, Rise again, win it all, In your heart, can`t you feel the glory? Through our joy, through our pain, We can move worlds again, Take my hand, dance the dance with me, I want to spend my lifetime loving you, If that is all in life I ever do, I will want nothing else to see me through, If I can spend my lifetime loving you, Though we know we will never come again, Where there is love, life begins, Over and over again, Save the night, save the day, Save the love, come what may, Love is worth everything we pay" If you remember this, if you remember anything or everything we shared.......please call me, dont ask me why but ive just become afraid. When you are sad, i am sad, when you are happy, I am smiling, and when your heart calls mine, i will answer.
It dark, lonely, and cold in this heart without you to warm it...............mein Schatze, mein lied, mein liebe, mein leben.
It dark, lonely, and cold in this heart without you to warm it...............mein Schatze, mein lied, mein liebe, mein leben.
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